Sunday, July 12, 2009

Burung Kenyalang Di Bangunan Gateway, Kuching


BerN said...

That is the tallest building in far

Toh Chee Leong's Collections said...

Oh! i see, tq.

Gold Arawana said...

Tak nampak macam kenyalang... Gold Arawana bukan sasterawan... ha ha

Toh Chee Leong's Collections said...

Replikalah boss. hahaha. Abg. Jo kena semaikan nilai-nilai estetik dalam kehidupan seharian.


Toh Chee Leong's Collections said...

Replikalah boss. hahaha. Abg. Jo kena semaikan nilai-nilai estetik dalam kehidupan seharian.


Toh Chee Leong's Collections said...

Interpretation is important. Hahaha life is life through your observation. Itu memang replika burung kenyalang.

You will see my design for the Mukah Replika through this blog. Please search. If my transfer from Mukah then adalah barang yang saya tinggalkan buat untuk orang Mukah.

But make in Mukah ada 3. hahahahha

Toh Chee Leong's Collections said...

Cadangan Mercu Tanda Daerah Mukah pada 28.11.2008 is my nukilan.You can view it accordingly.

Mr. Jako Aja, so the replika burung kenyalang i need to ask for permission whether you want to lobby for recycle or you want to put at your resident Kuching there to promote lambang burung kenyalang.

For your information nama samaran baru Redgoldarwana is Ting Min Jo, hahahah

.ejat. said...

sculpture! ;D