Wednesday, April 15, 2009

SCORE PROJECT IN MUKAH DIVISION - Proposed Aluminium Smelting Plant & Supporting Facilities (Phase 1) In Progress

Construction works in progress.


BerN said...

Now that was called development hehehe

Toh Chee Leong's Collections said...

Sure, really! Mukah now up- up up. "Di -di kee" haahaha. Ong lai pun datang mari. So far Mukah Internatinal Airport not yet started. If start then was called development again & again.

Christina said...

Aluminium smelting Plant had caused a lot of environment impact.Emission from that plant is extremely hazardous and will cause cancer among the workers and the residdents nearby.In addition,the discharge waste also affect the marine organisms such as fish and prawn.Who will be the actual beneficial from this project???I don't think that we,the common citizens can get any benefit from this project.